This blog is about getting from point A to point B (and sometimes includes topics in between).
This mostly includes issues around transportation mobility, policy, and impacts.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Equity in Regional Transportation

Watch the 15 minute video of the lecture by Thomas W. Sanchez, PhD. in January 28, 2009 on the subject of Equity in Regional Transportation, part of Metro’s Transportation Speaker Series.

Problems of access to transportation for minorities and the poor persist today, as rising transportation costs begin to rival the cost of housing for families of modest means. How can we address the question of access to transportation for minorities and the poor, so that these fellow citizens can benefit from the economic, social and environmental success of our region?

Dr. Thomas Sanchez is an expert on transportation, land use, urban and regional planning and environmental justice. He earned his doctorate in city planning from Georgia Tech in 1996 and has since taught at Iowa State University, Portland State University and Virginia Tech before becoming chair of the Department of City and Metropolitan Planning at the University of Utah. Sanchez is also a nonresident senior fellow of the Brookings Institution and chair of the Transportation Research Board Social and Economic Factors Committee.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009